Democratic Governor R.A. Minner's Approval ratings are lower than Republican President G.W. Bush.Just goes to show, that while the President has had many turbulent events take place in the past year, such as killer hurricanes, Iraq elections, and 2 SCOTUS nominees to boot, ordinary citizens just don't trust Democrats these days.
Other than the prison debacle, Minner has had little or nothing to do but take long naps in the governor's mansion. Even with all of the problems associated with it, she's done nothing, and taken no action. Disapproval ratings are at 57%, Approval ratings are way below Bush's at 39%.
The difference in the ratings is leadership. The people of Delaware can now recognize, that under Democratic leadership for the past 5 years under Minner, there's been the no-smoking bill (that was proposed by Republican Bob Valihura- which Minner only clung to after seeing it was popular) and nothing else.
If you look at the prison issue problems, the DELDOT crisis, the budget crisis... with Minner, Markell and Carney sitting on the sidelines doing absolutely nothing, it's no wonder people in Delaware want a change.